The Team
Senior Co-Pastor
Bishop Paul Johnson
Doctor of Ministry
Paul’s Doctorate in Ministry was earned out of a passion for God’s calling to full time ministry, God’s Word, and serving people. He was elevated to Bishop in 2021. This ministry journey began to mature while in his teens until now. This journey has taken both Paul and Jill from Canada, to the USA, the Caribbean, and Europe.
In 2009, the Johnsons were lead to plant The Gathering Place in Phoenix, Arizona. This is a community of people that are pursuing Christ while doing life together. This community is affectionately described as a “united nations”, people of many nationalities coming together in unity. TGP’s mission statement is, “…touching God, reaching people…”
Senior Co-Pastor
Jill Johnson
Jill has been serious about everything God says since her commitment to Christ at 13 years of age. She committed to Christ at a summer camp in beautiful British Columbia, Canada where she also did her high school years. Jill then attended Warner Pacific University, in Portland, Oregon.
Her greatest joy besides her husband, Paul, are her children and grandchildren.
God has anointed Jill to lead in various ministries. Her passion for music has always been an important part of her life which lead her to leading worship and directing.
In addition to music, Jill noticed her love of encouraging her own children to excel with their gifting in ministry. This love has been carried on in the children's ministry where she has encouraged many others over the years. Jill believes in trusting God for everything, taking Him at His word and challenging others to do the same.
Associate Pastor
Reverend Dr Sharon Johnson Williams
Dr. Sharon Williams is a pastor, counselor and speaker, whose gifting allows her to appeal to audiences of diverse ages, cultures and genders, leading them to encounter new depths of relationship with Jesus.
She speaks with gentleness, ease and authority, uniquely interweaving insightful Biblical storytelling with prophetic words, song and deliverance ministry. Her audiences experience profound emotional healing through the work of the Holy Spirit as she teaches the Word of God.
Sharon lives in Arizona, USA with her husband, Charles and 3 children, where she preaches, teaches, and counsels as Associate Pastor at The Gathering Place Church. As a presenter, facilitator and trainer, she has contributed to numerous church, academic, public and private conferences, seminars and workshops in the UK, Jamaica and other Caribbean islands. She is the author of Sane & Single: The A to Z on Being Single.
Carel Marbry
Carel has seen the hand of God in her life for as long as she remembers. She has 4 grown children and 11 grandchildren. Carel began her love of administration and accounting working for the Canadian government, which then led to accounting, office managing, training and supervising staff. She got her certificate in general accounting and is a Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor.
From her Canadian roots to the many cities across North America that she has lived and worked, her long history in church life and the business world has afforded her great experiences and learning for lifting up and developing the body of Christ in a unique way at TGP. She is our Office Administrator with a sensitivity to the spirit that guides her not only in the practical business of TGP but also in touching the lives of those she comes in contact with throughout her dealings.
She loves working with her hands on construction projects and volunteering. Even though she has put aside some of her fast-moving hobbies, her love of speed and reaching for all things possible continues to give her an open-heartedness towards God and all he wants to do in and through her.